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Warning: is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/libraries) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/web1050:/usr/share/php) in libraries_get_libraries() (line 176 of /home/web1050/public_html/sites/all/modules/contrib/libraries/libraries.module).
The prize for the best theory paper published in 2012-2013 has been attributed to Markus Reisinger and Monika Schnitzer For their paper "Successive Oligopolies With Differentiated Firms And...
The next AGM will take place during the CEPR/JIE conference next May 20-23 in Zurich.
The Sixteenth CEPR/JIE Conference on Applied Industrial Organization will take place at the university of Zurich during 21‐23 May 2015. The programs of the school and the conference are...
Authors can find under the menu "Guidelines" advice about the type of papers we are likely to publish, instructions to authors when submitting a manuscript, and a checklist for authors of accepted...
Alan Sorenson has stepped down as an editor; the board thanks him for his editorial services. We are happy to report that James Roberts (Duke Economics) will serve as an editor starting in January...
Starting in January 2015, Justin Johnson (Cornell University) will replace Volker Nocke as an editor. Volker statrted his editorship in April 2011.
Starting in 2014, a prize for the best paper published in the  last two years will be given every even year for a theory paper and every odd year for an applied/empirical paper.Hence in...
Starting in July 2014, Andrew Sweeting ( will replace Chad Syverson as editor.
After many years of service to the journal, both as an editor and a member of the advisory council, Tom Hubbard is stepping down. Our warmest thanks to Tom for these past years spent with us....
The March 2014 issue is available online (Wiley link here) and will be distributed on March 10.