The strategic options available to MNEs and host governments, when the first contemplate investment in the latter's country, are marked by the possibility that no entry eventually will take place as a
This paper looks to the literature on one-dimensional, location, models and adds to it a simple process of R&D.
This paper presents some empirical models of profitability, using panel data covering 709 large UK companies over the 1970s and 1980s focusing specifically on the role of aggregate demand shocks in sh
This paper reports evidence supporting the hypothesis that production flexibility is one of the forces that explain differences in the distribution of firm sizes across industries.
A 2-stage model of a homogeneous good oligopoly is constructed which is composed of a first stage determining (costless) information provision to consumers and then a second stage of price setting.
This paper investigates the strategic use of "flexible manufacturing" technology, as an entry-deterring mechanism.
This paper analyzes the managerial, regulatory, and financial determinants of US bank merger premiums. We use both individual acquirer and target bank characteristics.
This note extends earlier work on the effects of risk aversion on the preferences of duopolists to share information.