The Chinese passenger-vehicle industry contains a large number of manufacturers. Some of them are members of big corporate groups centered around state owned enterprises.
The restructuring of the Chinese electricity sector in 2002 reshaped the market structure by vertically unbundling the dominant integrated firm and started the process of wholesale price liberalizatio
The fluctuations in fuel prices over the past decade led a number of government agencies to introduce price adjustment clauses in procurement contracting.
This paper analyzes in a spatial framework how much information a seller discloses about the variety he sells when he faces a buyer with a privately known taste for variety.
In the context of the naked exclusion model of Rasmusen, Ramseyer and Wiley [1991] and Segal and Whinston [2009b], we examine whether sequential contracting is more conducive to exclusion in the lab,
Corporate managers and executive compensation in many industries place significant emphasis on measures of firm size, such as sales revenue or market share.