This study utilizes a brand-level dataset that captures a unique natural experiment, a 100% increase in the excise tax, to evaluate different pricing models in the U.S. beer industry.
In this paper, we estimate a mixed logit model for demand in the U.S. processed cheese market.
This paper analyzes the effects of mergers between firms competing by simultaneously choosing price and location.
The profitability of horizontal mergers is investigated in a situation in which firms face a production shock and therefore are uncertain about their future costs.
We consider the relationship between prices and market structure for office supply superstores in the U.S.
The possibility, even if arbitrarily small, of binding budget constraints in simultaneous ascending bid auctions induces strategic demand reduction and generates significant inefficiencies.
We model competitive bundling and tying, allowing for marginal cost savings from bundling, fixed costs of product offerings, and variation in customer preferences.
We investigate a basic question about a monopoly with incomplete information: when does the seller have an incentive to allow potential buyers to acquire more private information about their tastes fo
Customer complaints measure consumers' dissatisfaction with the quality of a product or service.