Issue 2

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December 1988

Excess Capacity as a Commitment to Promote Entry

Excess capacities held by a dominant firm are usually viewed as anti-competitive because they constitute a barrier to entry.

Advertising and Post-Entry Oligopoly Behaviour

This paper uses a two stage methodology to examine the advertising response to new entry by incumbent firms.

Strategy, Structure and Performance of Korean Business Groups: A Transactions Cost Approach

We use the transactions cost approach to analyse the diversification strategy and the resulting structure chosen by Korean business groups to overcome market imperfections prevalent in developing coun

Welfare Effects of Entry Into Markets with Switching Costs

New entry into markets in which consumers have costs of switching between competing firms' products may be socially detrimental.

Measuring Product Prices Under Conditions of Quality Change: The Case of Passenger Cars in Greece

We obtain the envelope curve of the bid functions for passenger car characteristics in Greece and use it to analyze the relationship between nominal and quality adjusted car prices over the 1965-1985

The Analysis of Causality in Escape Clause Cases

Under Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974, the so-called escape clause, a domestic industry that is seriously injured can obtain temporary relief if imports are the substantial cause of such injury.

Evidence on Agglomeration in Quality Space

This paper is an empirical study of agglomeration in quality space.