The policy relevance of Ramsey pricing calculations naturally turns on their robustness.
This paper reexamines the issue of optimal patent breadth in extending the earlier literature to the case where many firms race for a patent.
Insurance services have a prominent role in modern societies. Empirical evaluation of market interactions in insurance is, however, scarce. To fill this gap, two models are proposed.
A production function model with efficient bargaining between oligopolistic firms and unions is developed to distinguish between product market power and union power in capturing economic rents.
This paper presents a link between product market competition and the financial situation--in particular asset composition--of firms, based on capital market imperfections.
The paper examines the effect of renegotiation on the ability of financial contracts between a lender and entrant to deter an incumbent's predation.
In this note, we offer the complete characterization of quality choices in a duopoly model of vertical product differentiation where firms simultaneously choose the quality of the product and then com