A dynamic game model of production and capital investment choice is formulated and used to explain the behavior of leading firms in the post-war American aluminum industry.
This paper examines how the scope of firms in an industry is affected by the nature of the competition in that industry.
This paper re-examines recent postal surveys of the stock of machinery in the metal-working industries of Britain, Germany, France, Japan and the United States.
In early rate cases the inverse elasticity rule was used explicitly in setting postal rates, but more recently the USA Postal Service has eschewed its use.
US antitrust law makes market definition and the calculation of market-share statistics an integral part of the determination of the anticompetitive impact of a merger.
It has been argued that there is a positive relationship between profitability and safety in the transportation industries.
The results of this study support the hypothesis that research activity is not a homogeneous activity, and that important differences exist between the determinants of process patenting and product pa
This paper presents a model of imperfect competition in which the likelihood of collusion is not a monotonically decreasing function of the number of firms.