Analyzing panel data of 32,650 checking-account holders facing a menu of three-part tariff contracts, we document several findings that indicate that subscribers use simple heuristics to learn about t
I study the impact of imitation on the returns to technological innovation when products are differentiated.
We identify the rate of off-label use of prescription drugs in the United States during 1993-2008 using Detection Controlled Estimation. We find the rate rises from 29.9% to 38.3% during this period.
This paper develops a theoretical framework to analyze the link between real-time and dayahead competition in a hydro-based wholesale electricity market.
This article assesses the impact of a merger in a retail gasoline industry and evaluates the effectiveness of outlet divestitures as remedies.
Merger simulations focus on the price changes that may occur once previously independent competitors set prices jointly and other market participants respond.