Instructions to Authors

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IInstructions to Authors

The Journal of Industrial Economics

(Revised April, 2015)



Submission of a paper is taken to imply that the material is unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The Editors expect that the refereeing process should usually take no more than three months, and on average it should be substantially less.

Manuscripts should be uploaded electronically to the JIE Submissions Page via the Journal’s website ( On the Home page, click 'Guidelines' at top right. Next click 'Instructions to Authors.' In the right sidebar, click the grey box, 'Online Article Submission. This opens our editorial site in Editorial Express. Across the top of the screen are seven shaded boxes: the ‘Start of Submission Process’ box followed by six enumerated boxes each corresponding to a stage in the submission process. These must be completed in sequence. Proceed carefully and you will find it very simple. And if you run into a problem, there is a direct link to the Editorial Express help team.

The Submissions Page may also be accessed via the Wiley Online Library ( Go to the Journal of Industrial Economics section. In the left hand column ‘For Contributors’ click ‘Submit an Article’ and our Editorial Express site will open as previously described.

If your paper is accepted for publication, you will receive in your acceptance letter instructions for formating the final manuscript. You should send the formated final manuscript to Jan Stevenson at jindec@essex;


By submitting a manuscript to or reviewing for this publication, your name, email address, and affiliation, and other contact details the publication might require, will be used for the regular operations of the publication, including, when necessary, sharing with the publisher (Wiley) and partners for production and publication. The publication and the publisher recognize the importance of protecting the personal information collected from users in the operation of these services, and have practices in place to ensure that steps are taken to maintain the security, integrity, and privacy of the personal data collected and processed. You can learn more at


It is worth taking considerable care to ensure that your paper incorporates the qualities that the Editors are looking for and that give the Journal its distinct character. These are described on the website under ‘Advice for Authors’ and on the inside back cover of the Journal itself. Read both carefully, and keep in mind that most successful submissions treat questions that are well grounded in real world problems or have policy relevance. Authors are asked to consult recent issues of the Journal to gain an impression of the style of articles normally published.

All papers should be written in clear, unambiguous and grammatically correct English. In exceptional cases the Editors may provide assistance in preparing a final version of a paper for authors whose first language is not English. Authors are expected to take every care to avoid the inclusion of material which might be considered defamatory.


  1. Papers accepted for publication should be word processed, double spaced and single sided, with wide margins all round. Pages should be consecutively numbered throughout. Times New Roman, 12 point, is preferred but any easily legible typeface is acceptable.
  2. The title page should give the paper’s title, the names, affiliations and addresses (including e-mail) of all authors, the text of the Abstract (strictly limited to 100 words, see below for further instructions) and any acknowledgments (which will be printed as an unnumbered, asterisked footnote to the title on the first page of the published article). This manuscript page should reproduce the style of the title pages in the published Journal.
  3. Headings should be kept short and used to indicate the major sections of the paper. They should be numbered consecutively in Roman numerals. Try to avoid sub-sections. Where they cannot be avoided, they should be numbered numerically, for example, II(i), II(ii)….
  4. All illustrations should be referred to in the text as Figures. They should be numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals. Illustrations should be carefully prepared in black ink on separate sheets of paper comfortably filling the page. Each figure should take advantage of the space on the entire sheet. Illustrations (figures) should be submitted in Tagged Image File (TIF) or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format. The typesetters regard other formats as less preferable. Authors should indicate in the text the approximate positioning of illustrations with the directive ‘Place Figure __ approximately here.’
  5. Tables should be numbered consecutively in the text in Roman numerals. They should be set out on separate sheets. Each table should be identified by number and centred above (e.g., Table IV). The title of the table, also centred and also in small caps, appears just beneath the table number and above the table itself. Any necessary explanatory notes should be prefaced by ‘Notes.’ and placed beneath the table. Please indicate in the text where tables should appear with the directive ‘Place Table __ approximately here.’ Authors should remember that tables take up a great deal of space, and can deter readers, so only essential tables should be included. Ancillary tables may be better suited for placement on the Journal’s editorial web site.
  6. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the text with superscript Arabic numerals. The footnotes themselves should be double spaced and gathered together at the end of the paper: they will each be placed at the foot of the appropriate page in the text during typesetting.
  7.  Appendices are useful in two circumstances: (a) to provide mathematical derivations which have no intrinsic interest in themselves, but are essential to substantiate results reported in the text; (b) to describe data, their sources, and incidental calculations used by the author in deriving them from primary sources. The Editors may ask authors, in the interests of making the best use of the Journal’s page space, to remove appendices and substitute a statement to the effect that ‘The information is available on the Journal’s editorial web site’ (or ‘…from the author(s) on request,’ as applicable).
  8. Textual references to sources should show the year of publication within square brackets. The References themselves should be listed together at the end of the manuscript in alphabetical order, typed double-spaced. Full details of sources should be given. The following style should be adopted, please:

    Scherer, F. M., 1970, Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance (Rand McNally, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.)

    McGee, J.S., 1975, ‘Efficiency and Economies of Scale,’ in Goldschmid, H.; Mann, H. M. and Weston, J. F. (eds.), Industrial Concentration: The New Learning (Little, Brown, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.)

    Pepall, Lynne; Richards, Dan and Norman, George, 2008, Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications, 4th edition (Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, England).

    Curry, B. and George, K. D., 1983, ‘Industrial Concentration: A Survey,’ The Journal of Industrial Economics, 31, pp. 203-255.

  9.  Please note that journal titles should not be abbreviated. References to unpublished works are less helpful to readers and should be avoided if possible. Working papers, mimeos, etc., if they must be cited, should be treated in the style (above) of a book reference, with the name and address of the holding library or institute in parentheses in lieu of a publisher. If the document is only (or most easily) accessed on the internet, follow its title with ‘See…(and the complete URL or internet address).’ 
  10. Any accepted paper which is significantly not to Journal style may be returned to the author(s) for further formating before proceeding to publication.


A valuable source in the preparation of these notes on presentation of mathematics was The London Mathematical Society [1982].

  1. Great care should be taken with mathematical writing since ambiguity and confusion can easily creep in. It is essential to organise your writing so that sentences read naturally even when they incorporate formulae. The following rules may help:
    • Sentences should always begin with words, not symbols. Formulae should never be separated merely by punctuation marks except in lists: it is nearly always possible to arrange for at least one word to come between two different formulae.
    • Use abbreviations sparingly. Never use standard abbreviations such as e.g., i.e., adjacent to formulae or symbols. The abbreviation ‘iff’ is better not used in print. In text the full form, ‘if and only if,’ is easier to read (and looks less like a misprint). Never use symbols such as = or < as abbreviations in text. The scope of a binary relation such as = or < should be immediately recognisable as consisting of formulae on either side.
    • Try to avoid inverted commas (quotation marks) adjacent to formulae. Do not use ‘apostrophe-s’ with symbols: even the printed form of fi's is uncomfortably similar to f'is and is likely to confuse. Where this usage indicates a plural it is grammatically dubious and is better replaced by something like ‘the functions fi’’ and where it indicates a possessive form it can often be avoided by re-organising the appropriate sentence to use ‘of.'
  2. Important formulae should be displayed and numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript as (1), (2), ... on the left-hand-side of the page. Where derivation of the formulae has been abbreviated, it is of great help to referees if the full derivation can be presented on a separate sheet (not to be published).
  3. Take great care with the spacing and layout of formulae. Try to avoid complicated subscripts, superscripts and ranges of summation or integration by suitable adjustments to notation or wording. Superscript and subscript expressions involving fractions have to be printed using a solidus, except in the case of a few numerical fractions such as ½, ¼, ¾.
  4. Note that confusion very often arises between
    1 (one) and l (‘ell’)
    2 and z
    ×, x, and the Greek letter chi
    1 (superior ‘one’) and ' (prime)
    1 (inferior ‘one’) and , (comma)
    p and the Greek letter rho
    summation and the Greek capital letter sigma
    product and the Greek capital letter pi
    Also, a comma following a subscript, as in ak, is, in some fonts, difficult to distinguish from 'prime' attached to the subscript, as in ak'.
    The confusions just described are fewer now that papers are word processed in programmes with good scientific notation capability. It is still strongly recommended that you carefully read both the paper prior to submission and the eventual typeset proofs for clarity and lack of ambiguity in all formulae and other mathematical expressions.


    (strictly limited to 100 words)
    1. The Editors of The Journal of Industrial Economics urge authors to devote careful attention to writing the abstract. In the printed Journal, abstracts are read far more often than the articles they summarize. Electronic search methods are frequently designed to search and reproduce only the abstract. Thus, an effective abstract is an essential tool to attract readers who will benefit from an author’s research. We therefore offer the following guidelines for writing abstracts for the Journal.
    2. Abstracts must be no greater than one hundred (100) words in length, in conformance with the standard of The Journal of Economic Literature (JEL).
    3. The reader should be able to discern the central message of the article within the abstract, preferably in the first sentence. The author should identify key results, methods and data. Direct contrasts with particular previous articles should be avoided; contrasts with previous results are, of course, permitted. The abstract must not contain equations, diagrams or footnotes, but may contain numbers.
    4. Authors should consult common writing resources such as Strunk and White’s Elements of Style or The Chicago Manual of Style for guidance on proper construction and usage. The Editors discourage the editorial ‘we.’ A single author should refer to himself or herself as ‘I.’ To promote clarity, proper attribution and economy of words, the Editors encourage direct statement of results (e.g., ‘I find...’ rather than, ‘This paper finds...’).
    5. The Journal serves an international audience. Authors should briefly identify within the abstract the geographic scope of their institutional and empirical data (e.g., ‘American antitrust enforcement,’ ‘British electric power industry,’ ‘European Community rules.’). This guideline is particularly important for authors’ discussions of legal and regulatory matters.
    6. The Journal of Economic Literature publishes the abstracts of all major articles (but not of Short Articles and Notes) published in The Journal of Industrial Economics. Abstracts will only be forwarded for publication if they conform to the guidelines above.


    1. Proofs will be sent to the author to check. The original typescript is regarded as definitive. Corrections and alterations, other than of printer’s errors, may be charged to the author.
    2. The Journal no longer offers offprints. However, you may download a pdf of your published article for reproduction from the publisher, Wiley-Blackwell. You will be provided a link to their Author Services site when you submit your manuscript.
    3. Authors of accepted articles are required to transfer copyright to the publishers. This transfer is intended to protect the authors’ work by inhibiting unauthorised reproduction. It in no way prevents authors from making use of their own material in subsequent publications. Copyright forms will be provided by the publisher when the paper is accepted for publication.
    4. It is the intention of the Editors that articles accepted for publication should usually be published no more than one year after the date of acceptance of the final version. For many articles the lag should be substantially less.


    The London Mathematical Society, 1982, ‘Notes for Contributors,’ The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 14, pp. 573-576.