Issue 1

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March 2013

Corporate Leniency programs when Firms Have private Information: the Push of Prosecution and the Pull of Pre-emption

A corporate leniency program provides relief from government penalties to the first member of a cartel to cooperate with the authorities.

Who Posts the Reputational Bond? Advertising and Cobranding in Vertical Relationships

I identify and explore the relationship between two views of brands and advertising, one emphasizing their role in assuring quality and the other emphasizing their role in shifting rents across firms

Bertrand Competition with an Asymmetric No-discrimination Constraint

Regulators and competition authorities often prevent firms with significant market power, or dominant firms, from practicing price discrimination.

Delegation, Ownership Concentration and R&D Spending: Evidence From Italy

We use data from the Italian manufacturing industry to document a positive correlation between delegation and R&D.

When Do Large Buyers Pay Less? Experimental Evidence

The rise of mega-retailers has precipitated a growing literature on large-buyer discounts.

Waterfall Versus Sprinkler Product Launch Strategy: Influencing the Herd

A seller decides the price and sequence in which a product of unknown value is introduced to consumers. Consumers inspect the product before consumption and observe past prices and sales.

The Impact of Market Structure and Learning on the Tradeoff between R&D Competition and Cooperation

This paper compares R&D competition and cooperation when firms can devote resources to a ‘safe’ investment or a risky R&D investment.

Empirical Evidence on the Impact of Reserve Prices in English Auctions

We study the impact of reserve prices on the revenue of English auctions using a unique hand-collected database of virtual football players from the online football management game Hattrick.