Issue 2

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June 2003

Why Focus? A Study Of Intra-Industry Focus Effects

In an intra-industry setting, firm-focus is found to be positively correlated with the ability of firms to produce high-value products, while the overall effect of focus on firm performance is negativ

Further Tests of Static Oligopoly Models: Whiskey, 1882–1898

Using data from the turn-of-the-century whiskey industry, we conduct tests of the NEIO methodology similar to those conducted by Genesove and Mullin [1998].

Market Structure and the Pricing of Electricity and Natural Gas

US Electricity and natural gas markets have traditionally been serviced by one of two market structures.

Exclusive Contracts And Market Power: Evidence From Ocean Shipping

There is a substantial theoretical literature on the potential effects of loyalty contracts, but relatively little empirical work.

Auctions for Split-Award Contracts

The buyer of a homogeneous input divides his input requirements into two contracts that are awarded to different suppliers.

Consumption Externalities and Diffusion in Pharmaceutical Markets: Antiulcer Drugs

We examine the role of consumption externalities in the demand for pharmaceuticals at both the brand level and over a therapeutic class of drugs.